martes, 4 de junio de 2013
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013
domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013
How does a heating plant works
A thermal station is the one that transforms the heat
energy of the coal or gases in electric energy.
We can also consider the nuclear station as thermal. All thermal station
must follow a cycle of production of steam destined to the preparing of the
turbines that moves the alternator rotor:
-1 The water is heatten that have been pumped to a
cooling coil (that is a pipe system) .The water heating its produce because a
boiler that obtains energy of the combustion of the combustible (pulverized
-2 The liquid water goes to transform in steam; this
steam is wetter and low energetic.
-3 The steam over heat it self that turn dry, to
higher temperature and pressure.
-4Thre overheating steam goes trough a conduction
system and it set free it self to a turbine.
-5The turbine is connected to an alternator, finally,
it produce the electric energy.

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013
Thermal energy plays a key role in supplying
New Zealand’s electricity.
Genesis Energy’s Huntly Power Station is the
country’s largest power station. It has six
separate generating units: four conventional
boiler and turbine units that can burn coal
or gas and that each generate 250 MW of
power, one gas-red turbine generating
48 MW and a 385 MW combined cycle gas
turbine (a 250 MW gas turbine plus a 135 MW
steam turbine) – a total capacity of 1433 MW.
Huntly is capable of producing nearly 13 TWhr
(13 million MWhr) of energy each year – about
20% of New Zealand’s electricity requirements.
Other fossil-fuel burning power stations are
located in Auckland, Taranaki and Hawke’s
Bay. New Zealand is a pioneer in the use of
geothermal energy. Wairakei is the oldest
operational geothermal power station in the
world. New Zealand’s other geothermal
power stations are all in the Taupo Volcanic
Zone and the Northland geothermal eld.
In total they account for 635 MW or nearly
7% of our generating capacity.
viernes, 26 de abril de 2013
How can affect the temperature to thermal energy.
Alvaro, Pablo
jueves, 25 de abril de 2013
Disadvantages of thermal energy
The hot fuels generates emissions of greenhouse gases and acid rain in the atmosphere, with flying particles that may contain heavy metals.
Some disadvantges are:
· When fossil fuels finite energy source, its use is limited to the duration of reserves and / or profitability.
· Their thermal and vapor emissions can alter the local microclimate.
· Adversely affect river ecosystems due to discharges of hot water in them.
Thermal energy: Definition
Thermal energy is essential in producing electricity, in industrial processes like oil refining, and in home heating, to think of just three applications. Disadvantages include producing greenhouse gases (except in nuclear heating).
Thermal Energy is the internal or cinetic energy developed within a body, when its atoms or molecules are excited to the point where heat is generated, and the temperature is increasing.
Thermal Energy is the internal or cinetic energy developed within a body, when its atoms or molecules are excited to the point where heat is generated, and the temperature is increasing.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013
There are 3 ways to transfer termal energy: - conduction
- convection
- radiation
- convection
- radiation
Who discovered thermal energy?
While i was looking for some information to post, a question came to mind: Who discovered thermal energy?
thermal energy was discovered by James Prescott Joule was born on December 24th, 1818 & died on October 11th, 1889. He was an English physicist who recognised the transfer of energy from a heat source into other materials such as water when it boils.
He found that when he agitated the fluid, its temperature increased. Joule performed mechanical work on the fluid and in doing so, converted that mechanical energy to thermal energy.
here´s a picture of James.

thermal energy was discovered by James Prescott Joule was born on December 24th, 1818 & died on October 11th, 1889. He was an English physicist who recognised the transfer of energy from a heat source into other materials such as water when it boils.
He found that when he agitated the fluid, its temperature increased. Joule performed mechanical work on the fluid and in doing so, converted that mechanical energy to thermal energy.
here´s a picture of James.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013
How does the thermal energy works
Hi here i bring to you a very useful video about how does the thermal energy works.It explains how we use fossil fuels to produce electricity.
domingo, 7 de abril de 2013
Heat (Thermal energy)
Thermal energy is what we call energy that comes from heat. For example, a cup of hot tea has thermal energy in the form of kinetic energy from its particles. When you pour some milk into your tea, some of this energy is transferred to the particles in cold milk. What happens next? The cup of tea is cooler because it lost thermal energy to the milk.
The atoms and molecules that make up a substance are in constant motion. This movement is what gives a material its temperature: the more the molecules are moving about, the higher the temperature. Thermal energy is simply the energy possessed by a substance due to the movement of its atoms or molecules. It is important not to confuse this with heat, which is energy that is transferred from one place to another. Thermal energy has long been exploited by humans for cooking, heating, power generation and industry.
Thermal energy facts.
- thermal energy is one of the oldest forms of energy that was harnessed by humans. It is widely believed that Archimedes' used this form of energy to burn invading Roman ships.
- thermal energy is one of the most affordable modes of energy. Is a renewable energy.
-It has been estimated that if used properly, businesses can save around 40% of their electricity bills by switching to solar thermal energy.
- thermal energy can be used in conjunction with other sources of energy, and can be used to lower the costs associated with fossil-fuels.
-It doesn't cause any pollution, and doesn't contribute to the greenhouse effect.
-According to research, one megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity produced due to thermal energy prevents the emission of a ton of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Thermal energy is what we call energy that comes from heat. For example, a cup of hot tea has thermal energy in the form of kinetic energy from its particles. When you pour some milk into your tea, some of this energy is transferred to the particles in cold milk. What happens next? The cup of tea is cooler because it lost thermal energy to the milk.
The atoms and molecules that make up a substance are in constant motion. This movement is what gives a material its temperature: the more the molecules are moving about, the higher the temperature. Thermal energy is simply the energy possessed by a substance due to the movement of its atoms or molecules. It is important not to confuse this with heat, which is energy that is transferred from one place to another. Thermal energy has long been exploited by humans for cooking, heating, power generation and industry.
Thermal energy facts.
- thermal energy is one of the oldest forms of energy that was harnessed by humans. It is widely believed that Archimedes' used this form of energy to burn invading Roman ships.
- thermal energy is one of the most affordable modes of energy. Is a renewable energy.
-It has been estimated that if used properly, businesses can save around 40% of their electricity bills by switching to solar thermal energy.
- thermal energy can be used in conjunction with other sources of energy, and can be used to lower the costs associated with fossil-fuels.
-It doesn't cause any pollution, and doesn't contribute to the greenhouse effect.
-According to research, one megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity produced due to thermal energy prevents the emission of a ton of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013
We are Viki, Pablo, Alvaro and Carlos. We have created this blog to show our class and Don Jesús Javier what is the thermal energy, it´s also used to pass information between our group of thecnology. We hope that you use the blog as a help to look information about it.

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